cubierto por una funda de plástico - Übersetzung nach spanisch
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cubierto por una funda de plástico - Übersetzung nach spanisch

Por Una Cabeza; Por una cabeza

Cubierto; Cubiertos; Cuberteria
= draped, covered, clad, insulated, uncleared.
Ex: The theater for the puppet show was made of three draped art-room tables.
Ex: The van has improved facilities, including covered access to a two-tier display rack, so that passers-by can browse through a wide variety of information leaflets.
Ex: The stereotype of the governess as exemplified in Jane Eyre -- intelligent, restrained, soberly clad -- was the predecessor of the librarian as an occupation in which the women of the period, the "guardians of morality" could find genteel employment.
Ex: Health problems and potential legal liability caused by polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulated wiring in library building air ducts is referred to.
Ex: Its relation to cognitive impairment is as yet uncleared.
* cubierta anterior = front cover, front board.
* cubierta de = carpet of.
* cubierta de papel = paper cover.
* cubiertas = binding case, case.
* cubierta terminada = topping-out.
* cubierto con = clad in.
* cubierto con paneles de madera de roble = oak panelled.
* cubierto de = awash with/in, clad in, caked in/with, riddled with.
* cubierto de arena = sandy [sandier -comp., sandiest -sup.].
* cubierto de barro = muddy [muddier -comp., muddiest -sup,].
* cubierto de cardenales = black and blue.
* cubierto de grava = metalled [metaled, -USA].
* cubierto de hierba = grassy [grassier -comp., grassiest -sup.].
* cubierto de hojas = leafy [leafier -comp., leafiest -sup.].
* cubierto de hollín = sooty.
* cubierto de musgo = moss-backed.
* cubierto de titanio = titanium-clad.
* cubierto en plumas = feathery.
* cubierto por árboles = tree-shaded.
* cubierto por una funda de plástico = plastic-covered.
* diseño de la cubierta = cover design.
* edición en cubierta dura = hardback.
* estadio cubierto = indoor arena.
* fecha de la cubierta = cover date.
* piscina cubierta = indoor swimming pool, indoor pool.
* ponerse a cubierto = run for + cover.
* puente cubierto = covered bridge.
* sobrecubierta = dust wrapper.
* título de cubierta = binder's title.
* título de la cubierta = cover title.
= book jacket, dust cover, dust jacket [dust-jacket], jacket, sleeve, protective sleeve, slipcover, slipcase, cover.
Nota: Forro o envoltura que cubre los pliegos del libro ya impresos, ordenados y cosidos o pegados y que suele reproducir los datos de la portada.
Ex: The printed wrappers of paper or the like placed over the cover of a document at the time of its publication are known as the book jacket.
Ex: The printed wrappers of paper or the like placed over the cover of a document at the time of its publication are known as the book jacket or dust cover.
Ex: Whoever cataloged it at LC, and I"m willing to bet it happened elsewhere too, probably didn"t get much beyond the dust jacket where there was a big clue about something special to the book.
Ex: A jacket or sleeve is a protective envelope for a sound disc, made of cardboard or paper.
Ex: A jacket or sleeve is a protective envelope for a sound disc, made of cardboard or paper.
Ex: Also, this system is very sensitive to contamination of the surface of the disc and requires that the disc be kept in a protective sleeve, or "caddie", at all times.
Ex: This section discusses design and construction techniques for making slipcovers, draperies, bedspreads, and coverlets.
Ex: The text of each entry supplies appropriate bibliographic information, including paper description, typeface, and notation where applicable, to prospectuses, illustrations, dustjackets, and slipcases.
Ex: Thus, for instance, a title statement will be extracted from a title page, and not from the cover or the spine.
* con funda = jacketed.
* cubierto por una funda de plástico = plastic-covered.
* funda de almohada = pillow case.
* funda de asidero = handle grip.
* funda de CD-ROM = jewel case, jewel box.
* funda de cojín = cushion cover.
* funda de colchón = mattress protector.
* funda de disco = record sleeve.
* funda de manillar = handle grip.
* funda de papel = paper jacket.
* funda de pistola = holster.
* funda de plástico = plastic jacket, plastic coverup.
* funda de un disco = record cover.
* inserto en funda = jacketed.
* para hacer fundas = sleeving.
* título de la funda = sleeve title.
cubierto por una funda de plástico      
(adj.) = plastic-covered
Ex: Plastic-covered wire or metal supports are designed to clip firmly to the shelf itself or to the base of the shelf above.


exceso de carboxihemoglobina en la sangre provocado por la inhalación de monóxido de carbono [ICD-10: T58]


Por una Cabeza

"Por una Cabeza" is a tango song written in 1935 with music by Carlos Gardel and lyrics by Alfredo Le Pera.